Customized Brazilian wedding shoes

I was invited to a wedding in Brazil. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the wedding. Well, I live over 12,000 kms away from Brazil. So, that’s a major barrier to my ability to attend. But I thought I would write about the wedding. It was a beautiful wedding held on a fazenda, which is Brazilian Portuguese for an estate or a large farm. The wedding was held at Fazenda Marambaia in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

What I especially love about the wedding was the bride’s shoes. The bride wore shoes by Arezzo. Arezzo is a Brazilian footwear brand, started by the Birman family in 1972. Arezzo is a leading footwear brand in Brazil and also in Latin America. All their products are made responsibly in Brazil.

What I love was that the bride took basic white shoes by Arezzo and customized them to make completely unique shoes. The style of shoes the bride chose would be described as pumps with a strap. Pumps are called scarpin in Portuguese. The bride worked with her stylist to customize the shoes. They added pearls to the strap and fabric to the back of the shoes. The fabric matched the fabric of the bride’s wedding dress. I think the result is amazing! It turns a pair of basic white shoes into something unique that no one else will have, and it’s personalized to the bride.

Front view of customized Brazilian wedding shoes

Rear view of customized Brazilian wedding shoes

So, for any brides-to-be out there, consider customizing your shoes, accessories or dress. You will end up with something that’s unique and personal to you.

Here’s a photo of the happy couple on their wedding day. It was so beautiful that a butterfly decided to join in too. Que lindo!

The couple on their wedding day. It was so beautiful that a butterfly photo bombed the moment!

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